Awesome Keep Your Koi Pond Clean with a Koi Pond Filter

Koi cannot thrive with too much junk around. Pollutants like solid organic waste, and ammonia build up in the water if there is no or inadequate filtration. A good Koi pond filter is needed to prevent that a lethal level of these pollutants builds up in the pond. Without a pond filter your Koi will struggle to survive. Filters filter out these pollutants to keep your fish alive. The fact that these filters also help to keep the water clear is only a pleasant side effect.

Pond filtration functions in two different stages that are both essential to the water quality in your pond. There is a biological stage and a mechanical stage. Keep that in mind when you consider the biological needs of your pond. A filter does more than just taking care of the biological aspect. The quality of the water in the pond is essential if you want your Koi to be alive and thriving. Be aware that it is going to negatively affect the Koi if harmful compounds and bacteria build up in the pond. You can prevent it from happening and the mechanical process of the Koi pond filter will help you with that. The pond filtration system makes sure that solid organic waste becomes trapped in the chambers of the first stage of filtration. Do not let it sit there in the trap waiting for decomposition to happen. Remove it manually soon after it is trapped. If you do not remove it timely, the decomposed organic waste will end up in the water of the pond again when water goes through the filter, basically exposing the Koi to these harmful compounds and bacteria.

Less lethal compounds replace the deadly nitrites and ammonia thanks to the biological function of the Koi pond filter. Of course you want a pond filter that is cost effective and requires as little maintenance as possible. It is, however, important that you keep in mind the real reason why you are installing a pond filtration system when you make your decision on which one to purchase. This is not just about how the filter you install affects you. Your Koi need a healthy environment or, in other words, they need water that is clean, healthy and low in toxins.

If you want your fish healthy you need a filter that takes equally care of the mechanical and the biological aspects. Your best bet is thus a Koi pond filter that uses Kaldnes Moving Bed technology. Filters with Kaldnes Moving Bed technology are top notch in the industry. It is a technology that has proven to be effective. High efficiency pond filters can be easier to maintain and to use. Another new technology that does wonders for your pond water is bead filtration. A bead filtration system takes care of the mechanical aspect of a Koi filter. In other words it helps trap the solid organic waste using buoyant plastic beads. Nitrite and ammonia levels are reduced when "good" bacteria colonize the beads, or in other words bacteria that contribute to a good environment by taking up responsibility for the biological process.

To see which filter is good for you it is also possible to seek advice at the pet store. These professionals will take into account the requirements of your Koi pond and the warranty offered by the companies that manufacture filter systems. Some even offer a lifetime warranty.

Removing toxics, inorganic and organic wastes, and regular maintenance, are the key to keeping the water in your pond nature clean. Chose the right Koi pond filter system to optimally assist you!

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